2019 使徒中心特會 – 扭轉教會 轉化世界 // Apostolic Center Conference
使徒中心的出現是最激進的轉變,震動現今全球的基督教世界。 使徒位分的恢復標誌著新使徒性改革的第一階段,而使徒中心的建立即將成為一個浪潮。使徒忠心會指導你如何轉化你的地方教會成為一個充滿活力的身體,在你的地區發揮更大的國度影響力,釋放神對教會的目的。
講員簡介 : 艾林. 卡農牧師
Alain Caron 牧師在1987年從毒品的綑綁中得救。他的屬靈培訓來自於他個人的經歷;在不開放福音的加拿大法語區,以信心而活。在那段時間,Alain 牧師帶領許多的佈道團隊做街頭佈道的工作,同時也帶領一所基督教學校。他的屬靈父母,Jean-Claude 和 Valerie Joyal 牧師夫婦將他們在1975年創立的 Le Chemin教會,於1999年交予他來負責。 Le Chemin 教會最終成功的轉型為一個使徒性中心,並且在這屬靈運動中成為重要的藍圖。Alain 牧師寫作了出名的「使徒中心」一書,以及許多關於使徒性運動的書籍。這些書籍已被翻譯成八種語言。 Alain牧師和他結婚38年的妻子Marie,住在加拿大的魁北克省。Alain牧師是一名國際講員。他經常到世界各地做特會的講員;他所創辦的 Hodos Network 也致力於連結眾教會和事工團體,傳講神的國。Alain 牧師也與 Chuck Pierce 牧師和Global Spheres 連結合作並對齊。
A seismic wave of revolution is about to shake our world, thanks to the emergence of apostolic centers. With the sage wisdom gained from developing his own church’s apostolic model, Alain Caron shares on how to transform today’s churches into dynamic training and sending centers.
SPEAKER: Alain Caron
Alain Caron was saved from the world of cocaine in 1987. His spiritual training came through experience: living life by faith, in francophone province of Canada that wasn’t very open to the gospel at the time. During those years, Alain led teams of evangelists on the streets and directed a Christian school. In 1999, Pastors Jean-Claude and Valerie Joyal, his spiritual parents, entrusted him with the pastorate of Le Chemin, which they had founded in 1975.
Le Chemin (www.lechemin.ca) eventually made a successful transition to an apostolic centre and now serves as a blueprint for this movement of the Spirit. Alain is the author of the popular book Apostolic Centers, as well as other books on the apostolic movement, published in 8 languages.
Alain and his wife Marie have been married for 38 years, live in Quebec, Canada. Alain travels internationally as a conference speaker and spokesperson for the Hodos Network, which he founded to connect churches and ministries for the proclamation of the kingdom of God (www.hodos.ca). Alain is aligned with Chuck Pierce and the Global Spheres network.
3/29 Friday | 7 PM – 9:30 PM | ||
3/30 Saturday | 10 AM – 12:30 PM | 2 PM – 4:30 PM | 7 PM – 9:30 PM |
3/31 Sunday | 9 AM -10:30 AM | 11 AM – 12:30 PM |
地點 / Location : 溫哥華豐盛生命靈糧堂 / Fruitful Life Christian Church in Vancouver
報名費 / Registration fee: $20 CAD
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Please click on the button below for on-line registration; please note that by clicking on the below link, you will be re-directed to an off-site registration processors.