FLCC Vancouver – Safe COVID Information

updated 9/1/2021 We encourage the church to be alert and prayerful, while trying to keep panic at bay. We also ask that no one spreads false news. FLCC will be keeping up with the latest updates from the government, and will be sharing the information with the church. It is our wish to cooperate fully with the Federal and Provincial government as best as we can. We encourage the church to continue to sow joyfully. Other than regular tithe offerings, please specify if you feel inclined to make additional donations towards COVID-19 help and support funds. During this time, offerings can be made in the following ways: Cheque by mail (Title: FLCC), or online through credit cards. Services will be held in-person for those who wishes to attend; ONLINE STREAMING…
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豐盛生命靈糧堂 安全聚會須知

9/1/2021 更新 面對目前第四波疫情, 教會鼓勵弟兄姊妹更多謹慎自守、儆醒禱告,不驚慌失措,不散播假消息。 本堂隨時留意政府公告,讓弟兄姊妹掌握即時資訊。教會全力配合政府並宣導。 鼓勵弟兄姊妹保持熱情奉獻的心。除了素常十一奉獻,若特別對防疫物資捐獻或其他,請載明明細。此期間奉獻可採:支票郵寄、網路信用卡奉獻等方式。 豐盛生命靈糧堂主日崇拜已恢復實體聚會, 線上直播會繼續服事無法參加的群眾。 如果您有任何不適或感冒的症狀, 請您留在家中參加我們線上聚會.因教會空間限制, 教會以大眾安全健康為出發點要求各位 12歲以上參加實體聚會的群眾務必戴口罩才能進入會堂參加主日崇拜.參加實體聚會者, 請多洗手, 消毒, 並且保持安全社交距離. 無接觸奉獻方式: 教會已改為無接觸奉獻方式, 鼓勵各位弟兄姊妹使用 E-Transfer 或使用下方連結採取信用卡等方式進行奉獻. 如有需要協助, 週日歡迎詢問招待, 或周間時間可與教會辦公室洽詢.
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